
Mushroom Foraging in Novato

Northern California’s wet winter months bring a fruitful bloom of wild mushrooms to the coastal woodlands in and around Novato. If foraging for edible fungi is on your bucket list, consider taking a guided wild food adventure with San Francisco-based forageSF. This professional forage organization leads expeditions in nearby West Marin and along the Sonoma Coast. Their educational, hands-on field classes are a great way for novice foragers to gain experience under the supervision of a seasoned guide.

You’ll spend the day hiking in nature as you learn basic mushroom identification, proper handling/storage, and cooking suggestions for some of the more common specimens you may encounter. With more than 450 species of wild mushrooms in our local area (some deadly poisonous), there’s no substitute for the expertise you’ll get on a forageSF adventure.

*If you are a veteran forager it is important to note that regional rules vary. Many areas, including most state and county parks, prohibit mushroom collection or require a permit. To avoid stiff fines and possible confiscation, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with local regulations before foraging in any public area.

For a list of upcoming excursions or to make reservations, visit

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